“You've got to give a little, take a little,
And let your poor heart break a little.
That's the story of, that's the glory of love.

To tell the story of Bunni Larue, I have to give a little background.  The stories of Sylvia Joleigh and Justus Brooks are condensed but will give an idea of how I approached Bunni’s birth.  My husband and I met in a Yahoo chat room in January 2005. He was an Army soldier in Korea at the time, and I was in college in NC. We spent months talking on the phone mainly, and then I drove to meet him for the first time in June 2005. It was like we had always been together. We got married in May of 2006. He has done a year in Korea, two years in Iraq, and a year in Afghanistan. We have been stationed at Ft. Hood, TX and Ft. Richardson, AK.

Somehow in there, we have been able to conceive 3 precious babies. It took us about a year and a half to have Sylvia. There was a point in time that we thought we might not be able to have children.  So we were ecstatic to find out we were pregnant with her.  He was deployed and made it home on mid-tour leave just before my labor started. She was born 3:18 a.m., December 18, 2008 at exactly 39 weeks gestation; 8 lbs. and 19 inches long. I had an infection called chorioamnionitis, which led to a very necessary emergency cesarean under general anesthesia, and a week stay for her in the NICU. John was under the assumption that he would be going back with me for the cesarean, and was in shock when they brought our baby to him just a few minutes later.  He was not able to go back for her birth because of the general anesthesia.  The day after she got home, he had to report back to Iraq, and did not see her again until she was six months old.  Sylvia was named after his grandmother.  Sylvia was also a Goddess of the Forest and mother to the founders of Rome; Romulus and Remus.  Jo and Leigh are our mother’s middle names.   

Within 6 months of John coming home, I got pregnant again!! I'm pretty sure the magical moment happened the night of Sylvia’s first birthday... he.he.he.  The next 9 months were extremely stressful. We moved several times and John left for Afghanistan exactly a year after he had gotten home from Iraq.  Justus came at 12:59 a.m., September 17, 2010 at 42 weeks gestation; 7 lbs. 12 oz. and 19.75 in. long. I planned a HBAC (homebirth after cesarean) in NC and labored at home for 48 hours. I can't remember the exact times, but I think I was nearly complete for 7 hours. My cervix began to swell at 9.5 cm with an anterior lip.  When my midwife broke my water at 9 cm there was meconium, and based on several factors I made the decision to transfer. I also ultimately made the decision to go to cesarean. He had been posterior and asynclitic, and my mom said the cord was wrapped 3 times. John was in a terrible spot in Afghanistan and missed Justus' birth entirely. He came home a week later due to the cesarean and me needing help, and then did not see his son again for 10 months.  Justus is a very old Latin name and Brooks is John’s middle name.

You've got to laugh a little, cry a little,
Until the clouds roll by a little.
That's the story of, that's the glory of love.

We knew we wanted another baby, but had no idea how fast it would happen.  Within a few weeks of John’s homecoming from Afghanistan, we conceived again.  There was never any doubt in my mind that I would go for a VBA2C (vaginal birth after 2 cesareans).  I knew I would not try another homebirth for a couple of different reasons, and mostly because I had a provider in mind who I knew would support me.  I went back to work to occupy my mind, and I focused on not really focusing on anything. 

As usual, my pregnancy was easy.  The only difference was that I had a variety of skin rashes and weird things like itching under my ring, and an allergic reaction to mango.  I have always been blessed with perfect blood pressure, no gestational diabetes and no complications.  I had very little morning sickness and even that was just nausea.  I did not take a standard prenatal but took Vitamin C, D, and B-Complex, as well as a magnesium supplement.  The one thing I did do is go to the chiropractor religiously.  I knew in my prior births that the baby’s positions had really worked against me, and not only that, but all the aches and pains I had felt before had disappeared once I began seeing Dr. Jen.  By the end of the pregnancy I had gained about 12 lbs. and I was GBS negative.  Then the sicknesses began! 

At 40 weeks pregnant I got a nasty stomach bug that really depleted me.  I was out of work for several days.  I went back for one day with a little tickle in my throat and thought I was getting a cold.  Come to find out, at nearly 41 weeks pregnant I had the flu!  Influenza A.  It was terrible and I was very, very sick.  Thankfully I started taking Tamiflu almost immediately which made it slightly shorter-lived than usual.  I prayed for her to wait a few more days so that I could regain my strength.  It was around this time that I started losing my mucus plug.  At my 41 week appointment I was 2 cm and 50% effaced, but I was having no contractions whatsoever.  Everything was oddly quiet down there.  I was elated as this was where I was after being up all night the first night I labored with Justus, but after a couple of days I started to get down on myself.  We were doing non-stress tests about every other day, and the baby always looked fantastic.  My OB mentioned trying a Foley bulb a day before 42 weeks if I wanted. 

That Friday rolled around and still… nothing!  I went in for my appointment and agreed to the bulb.  It was actually a nifty little contraption called the Cook Cervical Ripening Balloon.  There were two balloons, one on the inside of my cervix and one on the outside.  He filled them each with 80 ml of saline and sent me on my way.  I could not believe that he let me go home!  The insertion was not painful at all, but sitting upright was not very comfortable.  After a visit to Wal-Mart, once I got home, contractions were coming hard at 10 minutes apart.  I also started a cotton root bark, blue, and black cohosh regimen.  The balloon stayed in for 12 hours and then I removed about 20 ml of saline and it came out fairly easily.  I knew this meant that I was at least 3-4 cm dilated.  As soon as it was out I felt instant relief and realized just how miserable I had been all day.  I continued contracting through the night on my own, and then by morning, we were back to nothing once again.

Happy 42 weeks to me.  This was probably the hardest day of the whole pregnancy.  This was officially the most I had ever been pregnant.  I kept thinking that statistically my chances of successful VBAC had dropped.  I countered that thought by acknowledging that I am not a statistic and that I bake my babies longer, but I was really down on myself.  I reached out to my doula.  What was the latest she ever had a mom go to?  43.5 weeks with my OB and after 36 hours of labor she birthed her 11 lb. baby vaginally; also a VBA2C.  I suddenly did not feel so bad for myself.  Then I reached out to another ICAN friend who had gone past 42 weeks.  She had gone on to have a HBAC after 55 hours of labor.  What an inspiration!  If she could do it, so could I.  I had my pity party for the day, and by that Sunday I was in a good place.  I felt good physically and emotionally and it almost turned into, “Let’s see how long this baby really is going to cook!”  I stopped all the herbs, rested a ton, and decided I was not going to do anything for a few days.

Monday I had a non-stress test at the hospital.  She looked beautiful on it, and I did not get checked.  I did not have one contraction the whole time. There was no other mention of any sort of induction, and my OB had left the ball in my court as far as going as long as we needed.  For once I felt totally in control of the choices for my body and baby.  Tuesday I had contractions all day long that were about 15 minutes apart.  They started to increase in intensity, and by evening were 5-6 minutes apart but nothing unbearable.  I woke up in the middle of the night starving and still contracting, and then by morning, everything stopped. 

On Wednesday we had a biophysical profile.  I think that is what held up my contractions.  I got nervous, and hoped all was well with the baby.  We scored 10 out of 10.  My fluids were not fantastic but not bad either.  The placenta was showing some slight signs of aging, but nothing too concerning.  The ultrasound tech estimated her weight at 7 lbs. 6 oz.  At my 39 week consult with the other doctor (the hospital made me consult with a different OB because I was declining continuous fetal monitoring and they implied that my OB was not scaring me enough about the risks), they had estimated 7 lbs. 7 oz.  She looked great and we went in for another OB appointment.  This time when he checked I was 4.5 cm and about 75% effaced!  Yes!  I knew it would not be much longer and it was likely that my next round of contractions would not stop.  Dr. Elrod brought up castor oil.  We went and got some afterwards and I let it sit ominously on the kitchen counter hoping that seeing it there would send me into labor.  I knew deep down that once contractions started again, they were not going to stop.

The next morning, John and I went and had a big breakfast at IHOP.  We did some shopping and by the time we got home it was about 10:30.  I decided to give the castor oil a try.  I mixed 2 oz. with 2 oz. of orange juice and chugged it down.  This is where everything starts to go fast.  I waited 30 minutes and started my herbal regimen; one dropper of cotton root bark, one of black cohosh, wait 15 minutes, another dropper of cotton root bark, and a dropper of blue cohosh.  I did this for an hour.  I started pooping almost immediately from the castor oil.  By 12:30 pm contractions were coming lightly about 5 minutes apart.  Deep down I knew this was it.  Suddenly they started to intensify.  Then by 1:30 they were 3 minutes apart.  Some were even lasting 2 minutes long!  But I was confused.  I could walk and talk just fine through them.  Everything time wise was moving fast, but the intensity was workable.  I decided to call our babysitter just in case.  John went to get Sylvia and Justus from school, and Skylar got to the house at about 3:30 pm.  John was gathering last minute stuff, and I was sitting on the edge of the bed.  I’m still talking and joking through contractions hating to leave so early but instinctively knowing that go time was near. 

At 3:45 I heard and felt the pop deep within me.  There was no doubt in my mind about it; my water had broken.  But there was no water.  I stood up and felt a tiny dribble.  What I did see, thank the powers above, was clear!!  I had prayed for clear fluid.  When I sat down on the toilet there was lots of mucus and bloody show, but very little fluid.  It was pretty clear why very shortly after when another contraction hit.  She was down deep in my pelvis.  It rocked my world!  And from there they kept coming fast and hard.  There was no more talking or walking.  I was moaning through every one and trying to make my way to the car. 

That was the worst car ride of my entire life.  John was driving fast.  Traffic was heavy as usual for 4:00 pm on a Thursday coming out of Anchorage.  I had a hard time relaxing.  At 4:30 pm we got to the hospital and were told to wait in the lobby.  I went to the lobby bathroom and started puking.  I was sweating and shaking.  From that point until around 10:00 pm everything was a blur.  We had the worst nurse ever in the beginning, and John promptly fired her.  I cannot remember who said it, but it always stuck in my mind, “Chances are if you don’t like your nurse, she doesn’t like you either.  The difference is, she can’t fire you as a patient, so go ahead and do her the favor of firing her.”  She kept harping on the monitors, which I wasn’t refusing at this point!  I had agreed to the initial strip.  The only thing I refused was lying in the bed to be monitored.  Luckily, baby girl was cooperating and we could get her heart rate beautifully while I was standing. 

Dr. Elrod came in and checked me and I was 5 cm and 90% effaced.  Oddly enough, the information did not bother me.  I did not have time to think of it.  In hindsight, when I think of Ina May Gaskin and her talk of the Sphincter Reflex, I think that is what we had going on.  I was scared, I could not get into a groove in triage, and I felt like I was on display.  There was a point where her heart rate was dropping into the 70s and 80s during a contraction.  He did not say anything but I saw a brief look of concern on his face.  Luckily it popped right back up as soon as the contraction was over.  I knew she was fine the entire time, but we did see that it happened when I bent over during the contraction so I tried to stand up straight after that.  My doula also had me talk to my baby and connect with her telling her everything was ok.  I have looked back on this moment and I am extremely thankful for Dr. Elrod’s confidence.  I think if it had been anyone else, they would have taken me straight to cesarean, even though decels during contractions can be totally normal. 

All I wanted was to hide in the bathroom… alone.  I think my body was further along than what the dilation told.  I could feel the pressure as if I could not sit on my bottom.  Contractions were 2-3 minutes apart, and lasting at least 1.5 minutes long.  I was also doing this funky double-peaking.  The first one would come, it wouldn’t ever let go, and then it would hit again.  Then the second one would be normal. 

Finally we got a room.  I got the hep-lock.  Shortly thereafter I started puking again.  When I puked I would get lots of bloody show.  I got the telemetry monitor which is the exact same thing as the other monitors but on a pole so you can move around.  Then I got in the tub.  It did not provide the relief I was hoping for and that I remembered with Justus.  How in the world had I made it 48 hours at home with him?  And I did not feel like I could go another hour with her? I thought hard about it.  I was fighting the contractions and could not let go and work with them.  All I kept thinking is how fast everything was going.  I asked for the epidural.  My doula held me off for a bit.  Then I asked again.  I was sure.  I talked to my doula, then to John.  Then Dr. Elrod came in and asked why the change of plans.  I told him that I knew I was fighting the contractions and if I could just relax I thought she would come.  I knew I did not want narcotic medications.  Everyone was extremely supportive and John said he was with me as long as I would have no regrets.  I was sure. 

I had to get fluids first which took FOREVER.  Then the anesthesiologist started with an extremely low dose that did nothing.  It did not take effect for quite a while.  I felt as though I was climbing the bed with the contractions.  They were so intense.  In the meantime I also got a shot of Phenergan for nausea.  I am a puker in labor; it has taken me 3 times to figure that out.  It was just enough to take the edge off.  Finally, after what seemed like an eternity the intensity of the contractions started to ease. 

Amazingly, only about an hour after the epidural took effect, I felt a lot of pressure.  At 11:00 pm Dr. Elrod came in to check and I was 10 cm and +2 station!  That was fast!  It made me feel even better about the epidural and in that moment I knew I had done what I needed.  I tried pushing a few times and decided that I should rest.  I was exhausted, and the pushing was not very effective.  She just was not quite ready.  Around 3:00 am, we tried a few more pushes.  Still not quite ready.  I slept and let the epidural wear off. 

At 6:00 am it was time.  I was feeling contractions again and a ton of pressure.  Everything was so calm and relaxed, just as I had imagined.  There was just Dr. Elrod, a nurse, my doula, and John in the room.  Nobody counted at me.  There were no bright lights.  I tried holding my legs and pushing, but I got the most from doing tug of war with the nurse.  She got a towel and I pulled as hard as I could with the contractions.  I was also getting a horrible cramping in my back that slowed me up a bit.  It did not seem like I was making much progress. 

Finally John said he could see a bit of her head.  They brought the mirror in for me so that I could see too.  Dr. Elrod stepped out of the room and I continued to push with the nurse.  All of a sudden I felt her slipping down and the nurse jumped up and said “Whoa!” and placed her hand over my vagina.  This was oddly amusing to me; what was she going to do, hold the baby in?  Her head was half-way out, and I told them with the next contraction she would come.  I began to cry.  My doula told me not to be afraid, but that was not it.  I was doing it.  She was doing it!  My body was doing it!  I was not even pushing!  Then I felt a pop as I tore.  Dr. Elrod came in and John was trying to put gloves on.  Poor guy, he had one glove on, and Dr. Elrod goes, “It’s your baby man, you better catch her!”  Right at that moment, he threw the other glove down as I felt her wriggly arms, legs, and body slide right through my pelvis, and out in a perfect anterior position.  At 6:49 am, May 11, 2012 he scooped her up like a football as she pooped all over him and laid her across my belly.  Fifteen hours after my water broke, and nearly 8 hours after I had reached 10 cm, my husband caught our baby girl… our vaginal birth after 2 cesareans. 

As long as there's the two of us,
We've got the world and all it's charms.
And when the world is through with us,
We've got each others arms.

Time stood still.  That was the most beautiful moment of my entire life.  She was not breathing yet but I knew she was just fine.  Nobody took her.  They placed a blanket over top of the two of us and we rubbed and talked to her.  Another nurse, one of my favorites, came in and was talking to her telling her she needed to cry.  I knew she was fine.  I felt her take her first deep breath, as the outside world filled her body.  It was as if we were still one; her skin to my skin and her cord still attached to me.  She never did cry, and the nurse finally said, “Well, she’s breathing and looks great, oh well!”  I did it.  We did it.  I had prayed many nights that we would do this together.  I could not believe it. 

The cord stopped pulsing quickly.  I was surprised by that.  It was totally limp and white and John cut it.  Then slowly my ears began picking up the sounds of the room.  Was that a faucet running?  “Is that my blood?” I asked.  I could hear it pouring off the bed.  Dr. Elrod looked up at me and said, “Yes.  I know you did not want the Pitocin Ariel, but you need it now!  I don’t want to be talking about transfusion in a few minutes.”  I was bleeding a lot, and in my state of bliss I did not care what they did to me.  My uterus was not clamping down.  They ran the Pitocin, vigorously rubbing my belly, and then after a shot of Methergine the flow began to slow down.  Later, we estimated about 4 cups of blood loss.  Dr. Elrod stood up and held his arms up, “Just to give you an idea,” he said.  He was up to his elbows in my blood.  I gave a slight push with the next cramp and felt the warm, softness of her placenta slide out.  I asked to see it.  It was big and healthy looking.  No wonder she was nice and content in there. 

I must have held her skin to skin and nursed her for two hours before curiosity got the best of me.  Instinctively I knew that she was my smallest baby so far.  I wanted to know what she weighed.  The nurse took her and weighed and measured her; 7 lbs. 1 oz. and 20 inches long, born at 42 weeks and 6 days gestation.  She was my smallest, but longest baby!  Then the nurse gently bathed her.  She loved having her hair washed, and I loved watching my beautiful girl being cared for so intimately. 

Bunni is a short form of the Goddess Berenike, the Bringer of Victory.  Larue is my grandmother’s middle name.

So all in all, it didn’t go exactly as planned, but I was prepared for that.  It went exactly as it was meant to.  I had waited a long time to write a birth plan because I did not know what I wanted.  All I saw was the VBA2C and a healthy baby.  Nothing else mattered, and I have no regrets.  I have asked myself at least once a day, “Regret the epidural?” and every time the answer is, “Nahhhhh, I don’t regret it one bit!”  The only thing I wish I had done was go to the hospital when my mom had told me to (you know when I was still a bit confused about what was happening since I could walk and talk through contractions).  I had this aversion to the hospital, and overall they were awesome!  I wish I had a little more time in the beginning to integrate what was happening in my body and to reconnect inside before everything hit so hard.  The biggest lesson I learned is that it is imperative to have a team that truly supports you.  If it had not been for my OB, I do not know if we would have made it to a VBA2C.  Especially since she waited until 42 weeks and 6 days.  I do not know of anyone else who would have supported me to that extent.  I am one happy mama, and I am excited to see what the future holds for our little bringer of victory.

You've got to win a little, lose a little,
Yes, and always have the blues a little.
That's the story of, that's the glory of love.
That's the story of, that's the glory of love”

* A big thank you to my husband who caught our third baby at the first birth he had ever attended; Dr. Elrod of Sleeping Lady Women’s Health Care in Wasilla, Alaska; Dr. Jennifer Waldroup-Gray of Gray Chiropractic Health Clinic in Anchorage, AK;  and Stella Lyn, doula and herbalist of Village Birth & Herbals in Palmer, Alaska

So originally I had planned for a natural childbirth in a hospital, but I quickly found out how limited I would be as a VBAC and decided I am too tired and too lonely to fight by myself. If John were here to advocate for me I would probably feel a lot better about the hospital. After Bradley classes and Hypnobabies, I found myself considering home birth over and over again. I can't think of a place I am more comfortable, I would be a basket case if I had to be away from Sylvia, and I want as little intervention as possible to give me the best chance of a VBAC.  John was able to attend Bradley with me, and when I mentioned an HBAC, he was suprisingly on board 100%. We did a lot of research and soul-searching together and we were reassured over and over again that HBAC was our best option.

In between there, Sylvia and I moved from Alaska, to West Virginia, to North Carolina, while John stayed in Alaska to get ready for deployment.  I have gone from the military hospital, to a natural-minded (fantastic) OB in Alaska (Dr. Elrod), to a CPM in West Virginia, to a CNM here in North Carolina (at about 30 weeks pregnant).  Then at 38.5 weeks on a terrible, gut feeling, I transferred care to another CNM.... SHEW!

So here we are! I've been basically following the Brewer Diet, and I have kept up an hour of cardio, 5-6 days a week. Sometimes I go swimming for an extra 30 minutes afterwards. I practice deep (flat-footed) squats and kegels every day, and I am faithfully following the Hypnobabies maintenance program. I also drink 100-120 oz of water a day. I have faith this time that I will be much more at ease with whatever happens because I know that I have prepared myself physically and mentally to the best of my ability. I have educated myself as much as possible, and I have a great birth team that supports and understands my desires.

 I had calculated my EDD to be September 2, 2010 based on my LMP, and my chart.  My official EDD that my midwife went by was September 7, 2010 based on an early dating ultrasound.  I had bouts of contractions on and off for weeks leaving me thinking that I was going to have the baby at any time.  They would get regular and strong, mostly in the evenings, but then they would ease off once I went to sleep.  Sometimes they would pick back up in the morning, and sometimes they wouldn’t.  On September 13, 2010 I lost my mucus plug.  On September 14th I came down with a nasty cold that I got from Sylvia.  I thought by the next day that I was over the worst of it, but I was definitely still feeling depleted.  

 I really liked whoever equated it to a wedding when they said to go ahead and plan for at least 3 things to not happen like you planned. I'm going to definitely keep that one in mind. That way hopefully I can laugh to myself and say "ok, that was number one..." haha!

 September 15, 2010 at 10:00 am:  Well, I have been up since about 2 am with waves 4-5 minutes apart. I went to bed last night and they were around 8-10 minutes but I was able to sleep through most of them. They have become much more intense through the night, so I called my midwife. She came, checked me and the babe and believes I am in early labor (what's new lol). I am 2 cm, and about 50% effaced. Not surprisingly when her and my mom got here, things slowed down quite a bit. So we took Sylvia to daycare, and mom went home and now guess what?! Everything is picking back up lol. She told me that if she were to bet, she would say that I might be calling back by tonight. We'll see I guess. I feel like I have cried wolf so many times haha!! But I just hate to wait it out that one time and then be like "Oh sh** I need you NOW!".

She did give me some eucalyptus (sp?) oil for my stuffy nose and some Emergen-C packets. I don't feel as bad as I did but I still have a terribly stuffy nose.

I know these waves are doing something because the stronger ones make me break out in a sweat and feel nauseous. As soon as they are over I feel great, but for that brief moment when they peak, it has felt much better to stop and breath "ooooooo-pen" or "peace" or something like that. And I have been getting lots of mucus.

I wonder how long all of this will go on for lol. They definitely aren't slacking off this morning like usual.

 1:30 pm:  I'm still going about every 6 minutes (I was able to take somewhat of a nap). I feel like they are SO intense to only be a little dilated. I guess it is some comfort that they aren't one on top of another. I just keep praying that I am one of those people that is going to make a lot of progress at once when active labor finally kicks in. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

The contractions were making me feel slightly nauseous and sweaty as they peaked, but I felt great in between.  By around 7:30 pm, they were still coming about 5 minutes apart, 60 seconds long or more, and had picked up in intensity once I put Sylvia to bed.  

 September 16th rolls around and I had been up most of the night.  I called Donna, my midwife early in the morning again, and Cher came for another visit.  I kept trying so hard to rest, even taking Tylenol PM and dozing off for a few minutes, but the contractions were tough and hurting worse when I lay down.  I was supposed to have an appointment with Donna in Fayetteville (one hour away) at 10 am, but I called and told her I would not be able to ride in the car for that long.  She said she would come to me, and showed up around 10:30 am.  She did an exam; I was a stretchy 2 cm, and about 80% effaced.  She stripped my membranes and decided to wait for a little while with me to see if I progressed. 

 Around 2:30 pm, Donna checked again and I was 5 cm, and still not completely effaced.  I was so excited at this point because I had made it past where I stopped dilating with Sylvia.  This was where my mental block ended.  I was proud!  Contractions were getting very intense at that point.  By 5:30 pm, I was done!  I had a mini-meltdown and asked to transfer to the hospital.  I was throwing up, shaking, sweating, and all around miserable.  The contractions were hard and close.  I moaned through every one trying to keep my tones low.  I almost refused a cervical check because it had become horrendously painful to lie down or have anyone touch me.  Finally, I allowed Donna to check with the promise that she do it very quickly.  I was 7 cm!  Donna told me I could do this, that I was in transition, and we were close to the end.  I kept reminding myself in my head that this was the place I wanted to be… transition… this is when you think you can’t go on any longer, but is normally the shortest phase of labor.  I was keeping that number 10 in sight, and I was excited, and scared.  

 At some point in here, Donna found out that she had another mom going into labor.  She asked how I would feel if she left and tried to make it to the birth and then came back to me.  I didn’t know how I felt.  I can’t remember what I told her, but in my mind I was thinking that if she left, I was heading to the hospital.  She had been my rock this whole time; the one keeping me going.  She kept telling me over and over again that I could do it, and when I looked into her eyes as she said that, I believed her that I could.  I found out later that she actually had three of us who had babies within a 24 hour period.

 I got into the birth tub and it was heavenly.  At some point, Cher came in to tell me that Donna was not leaving.  I thanked her in my mind.  I didn’t think I could do it without her.  I was the most comfortable leaned with my back against the side of the tub, and my legs stretched out in front.  Cher did Reiki and whispered things in my ear.  I remember vividly her touch as she ran her hands through my hair and down the back of my neck.  We were also doing a lot of homeopathic tablets for things like exhaustion and nausea.  I tried different positions and found some relief on my knees, but squatting was so painful!  I walked the stairs two at a time.  I sat on the ball and rocked.  I tailor sat on the sofa.  I refused to sit on the toilet.  Donna told me that the squat is the position I needed to be in to bring the baby down.  I tried but remember it being excruciating.  Luckily during this time, contractions spread way apart.  I’m not sure how frequent they were but I remember feeling blessed for the break.  I thought to myself, if I can only make it to the peak of the contraction, then I will get a break and I can do this.  I looked at the pictures of John and I cried willing with everything in me for him to be there.  I tried to drink.  I tried to eat a popsicle.  I kept drifting back to that same position, leaned back against the side of the tub.  I felt my head nod off in between contractions.  Then they came hard and rocked my whole body. 

 At 8:30 pm, I was 9 cm.  Donna suggested that we could try to break my water to move things along.  I told her that I was scared of that since it was a very chaotic experience for me once they broke my water during Sylvia’s labor.  But, they broke my water at 2 cm with her, and I was now at 9 cm.  I told myself it was a very different situation, and then I agreed.  Once my water was broken, I went to about 9.5 cm fairly quickly, with an anterior lip around my cervix.  I remember Donna attempting to massage around the lip with some sort of golden colored oil that smelled bad to me.  The pain was unbearable though and I wouldn’t allow her to do much.  There were points when my body was pushing, and it was totally out of my control.  I didn’t even think I was pushing, until I realized the sounds I was making.  It did not bring the relief that I have heard so many people speak of.  That worried me.  I pushed and pushed and pushed with each contraction.  I tried standing, squatting, sitting in the tub, sitting on the couch, and the only position I refused still was the toilet.  Sitting on the toilet was a living hell for me.  I was delirious during contractions and utterly exhausted in between.    

 Around 11 pm, I had a ton of pressure in my rectum, and I could feel the baby move down.  I almost felt like if I felt for him I would be able to feel his head.  I couldn’t sit flat on my bottom because of that.  I got out for a period and sat on the birth ball.  When I got up, there was some brownish discharge.  Donna was worried that it may be meconium but I thought it was from the oil she had used to massage my cervix since we did not see meconium in the tub when she broke my water.  I got back in the tub and Donna told me to squat.  The pain was tremendous and she checked me and monitored the baby.  She walked out of the room and Cher told my mom she wanted to see her outside.  I asked if I could lie back in the tub in the leaning position and they said yes.  I knew something was happening, but I wasn’t sure what.  

 When they came back in, mom started to explain to me and I stopped her.  I told her I knew what was going on.  I had an anterior lip on my cervix that was causing it to swell.  I was paying attention through the contractions even though it seemed like I was out of it.  I was losing dilatation.  I told her I didn’t need an explanation; what were the options looking like?  Donna said we could try another couple of hours, or we could transfer.  I opted for the transfer.  I knew what was happening was not a good sign.  I was exhausted and scared.  

We got to the hospital at 11:30 pm on the 16th.  I remember getting out of the car into a wheelchair.  I sat there slumped like a zombie with my eyes closed.  The ER admissions person told mom that she would have to fill out a whole bunch of paperwork before they could get me in.  She told him she wouldn’t do it that I was 41 weeks pregnant, completely dilated, and needed to get to L&D immediately.  He began to argue back with her right about the time that I started having a contraction.  I was pushing in a wheelchair at the admissions desk in front of everybody, and I didn’t care!  I couldn’t help it; my body was doing it by itself.  About 2 seconds later somebody came out the door and whisked me to L&D.    

 Once I was up there, they stuck me at least 8 times and blew my veins trying to get an IV started.  I was extremely dehydrated.  They did blood work and my white blood count came back high; around 21,000.  The baby had done well up until this point and began having some late heart-rate decelerations.  I begged to get off my back and at least sit up in bed.  Lying down was unbearable.  They kept telling me no and finally I sat up anyways.  

 During this time the OB on call decided to confront Donna at the foot of my bed as I was laboring hard, and she was not backing down to him.  They were bantering back and forth at each other and I was screaming at them in my head to get out of my room, but all I could do was moan and push through each contraction.  He questioned her credentials, and told her what a terrible position she had put him in.  While he came across as a total jerk, I was also very aware that he was afraid that somehow I had been led into all of this by them and wasn’t aware of everything that was going on.  Oddly enough, I almost found that endearing.  Thankfully my mom stepped in.  The one person who was my biggest adversary in the beginning suddenly turned into my strongest advocate.  She explained that I was very well educated, and aware of all of the choices that I had made.  She said that she understood his concerns, as did I, but that it didn’t change anything that was happening, that we were there, and we needed to decide what to do next.  

 The tone changed from that point and he approached me and attempted to engage me in conversation as much as I was able.  He explained that I could receive an epidural and labor down but he was concerned about the decels, the high white blood cell count, and the swelling of my cervix, as well as the meconium.  So it was meconium.  He said that he would feel much more comfortable going ahead with the c-section, but that he would let me make the decision as long as I understood everything.  I told him that I was comfortable with whatever his recommendation was and if he was at all concerned about the baby, then I wanted to go ahead with the c-section.  

 Shortly after the conversation, I was wheeled back into the OR and given a spinal.  I was so scared that it wouldn’t work (like when my epidural failed with Sylvia and they had to put me under general anesthesia), but it took effect almost immediately.  My mom was able to come back with me, and I asked the doctor to explain to me what he was doing.  He was giving way too much detail, so I told him to just give me the basics, and that’s what he did.  

 At 12:59 am, on September 17, 2010, Justus Brooks graced us with his presence.  He came out hollering with APGARs of 9 and 9.  He was 7 lbs 12 oz and 19 ¼ inches long.  He did have moderate to thick meconium and the cord was wrapped around his neck, and turns out he was totally posterior.  The doctor spent a lot of time repairing my incision and everyone says it looks wonderful.  I received stitches instead of staples this time, and the pain has been far less because of that, though my body felt like it had been hit by a few trucks after laboring for so long.  I think the muscle pain in my abs and back was worse than the incision pain in the beginning.  And I got all the fun stuff like a very sore pubic area and bone, and hemorrhoids.  

 After nearly 48 hours of labor, and a planned homebirth turned hospital transfer, I have been blessed with another perfect baby.  I went into this experience knowing that if another c-section was needed, that it would not be from lack of education or preparation on my part, and I am completely at peace with everything (sometimes).  I am so proud of myself for making it as far as I did and I now know that I can dilate.  Next time, I’ll get my VBAC, but for now I am absolutely enjoying my precious new baby boy. 

Sunday December 14, 2008, I began having contractions around 3 a.m. that were spaced around 5 minutes apart.  I tried to go back to sleep to no avail, so I got up and got in the bathtub hoping to ease the discomfort.  Nothing seemed to work, so I got back in bed and just waited it out.  Later that evening,  John and I decided to go to L&D and see if there was any progress.  The Wednesday prior at my 38 week appointment, I was dilated to maybe a “fingertip” according to my doctor.  After they examined me in L&D I was about 1-2 cms.  They sent me home to wait for my contractions to get more painful or closer together. 

Monday December 15, 2008, I was in a lot more pain throughout the early morning.  I did not get any sleep and decided to see if my OB would see me in his office so we would not have to drive all the way to L&D again.  When I got there he said I was still maybe 1-2.  I was almost in tears at points because the contractions were so intense, but no closer together.  I had a prenatal massage scheduled for that morning that I almost cancelled but decided to go in the hopes it would relax me a little.  That was the best thing EVER!  During the massage and afterwards, my contractions completely eased off.  I could feel the tightening, but no pain during them for several hours. 

Later that afternoon when I got home, I started to get the chills and took a bath because it was really cold outside.  Then it occurred to me that I might have a fever.  I took my temp and got 101.9 and we were off to L&D again.  After the exam the doctor said I was around 2.5 dilated, and baby looked great on the monitors.  They then sent me home and told me to take Tylenol. 

Tuesday December 16, 2008, I woke up early morning again with a ton of contractions around 3 to 4 minutes apart but still the same intensity.  BUT I had horrible chills.  I felt like I was rocking the bed.  I decided to get up and take a bath to try to warm up and I took some Tylenol, phenergan, and tried to drink some water.  After my bath I got really nauseated and threw up.  I decided to take my temperature again and got 103.5!  Off to L&D again!

This time as soon as they hooked me up to the monitors, I knew something was wrong.  My little one’s heart rate was around the 200s.  The doctor seemed really concerned and immediately admitted me.  During the exam I had not made any progress.  They put me on fluids, and continually monitored the baby.  Later that evening my fever broke (I sweated through all the linens… gross!) and the baby’s heart rate dropped to a better level.  They said if my fever stayed down they would talk about inducing on Wednesday.  They also did an amnio to make sure the baby’s fluid was not infected, and then they flu-tested me and took all kinds of blood.  The rest of the night was pretty uneventful, and the next day is where all the fun began.

Wednesday December 17, 2008, at 8:30 am they entered the pill to ripen my cervix (Cytotec) some more since I had not had any progress but was having regular contractions.  At 1:00 pm they started the pitocin.  The contractions got a little more intense, but nothing unbearable.  At 2:30 pm I was 100% effaced so the doctor decided to break my water.  I immediately went to about 4 cms and the pain was tremendous, especially to my right side and around the right side of my back.  At 3:00 pm they allowed me to get the epidural.  It gave me some relief but never took effect on my right side or right side of my back.  The next few hours were pretty much a blur of pain and John telling me to breath.  They gave me several doses of the epidural but it never took full effect on my right, although my legs were completely gone.  Around 12 am I started throwing up because of the pain and was losing my mind because I had not made any further progress.  The doctor decided to do a C/S due to “failure to progress”.  I was ready for anything; I just wanted to be out of pain. 

They finally took me to the back and gave me so much epidural medicine that the anesthesiologist had to call and get a second opinion.  They kept asking me in between contractions if I could feel them pinching my belly and I could.  The epidural only took effect from my hips down.  So they decided I would have to go completely under.  I was so upset because DH could not be there, but I felt like I was going to die if they didn’t do something soon.  I went out like a light. 

Sylvia Joleigh was born at 3:18 am on Thursday December 18, 2008.  She was 8 lbs. and 19 inches long.  I wasn’t really able to enjoy her at first because I felt so weak and I had the shakes so bad.   They were uncontrollable.  DH was wonderful though.  I knew he was really worried about me, but he took great care of her during that time period.  We were sent to postpartum and I thought everything was going well until the nurse noticed that my baby girl was grunting constantly.  I thought it was just normal baby stuff, but they took her temp and it was low.  Her blood sugar was also extremely low (around 35).  And that’s when they made the call to put her in NICU.  I think that maybe she ended up with the same infection I had.  They did so many tests (on her and me) and they all came back negative.  No flu, no cold, no nothing; just an elevated white blood count.  But they decided to keep her and run a full course of antibiotics.  It was heartbreaking to me to see her with an IV in her head and oxygen on.  I have never cried so much in my life.  I couldn’t stand having to leave her every day. 

Finally on Sunday they released me from the hospital and we stayed in a hotel across the road until they released Sylvia on Tuesday.  The best Christmas present ever!  She is breastfeeding like a champ and doesn’t seem to have any problems.   And in between that time DH’s command denied a Red Cross request for an emergency leave extension (but that’s in a whole other post). 

So it was a very long, painful, and emotional, process but totally worth it when I look into my little girl’s eyes, or watch her while she sleeps.  Thanks for reading! 

What I found out after the fact, once I read my medical records in 2010:

-I had an infection called Chorioamnionitis.  Some of the signs are high fever, increased fetal and/or maternal heart rate, uterine sensitivity, extremely ineffective contractions, excessive bleeding after birth

-The baby was posterior

-One of the worst things you can do with a mother who has Chorio is rupture membranes if they haven’t been ruptured.  I also should have never let them rupture my membranes since she was posterior.

-Sylvia had to be resuscitated at birth

-I lost 800 cc of blood which is borderline hemorrhage
